This is a great chance for a people who has a passion for massage therapy and providing a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. It just a fantastic opportunity for you to take what you love and turn it into a great income.
* Great busy location
* Large premises -- 150m2
* Taking $5,800p/w
* Low rent $630p/w
* 15 years long lease
* Selling price $100,000
* Well set up
* Easy to run
For more information on property #-------, please call or email:
Francis Pham on ---- --- ---
or email: [email protected]
Josh Zhang on ---- --- ---
or email: [email protected]
New Century Business Broker
26 Rutland Road, Box Hill VIC 3128
Tel: 03 ---- ----
****Sales Rep required**** For further information please contact us at office: [email protected]