Beautiful Chicken Bar situated in West Melbourne in a thriving Residential area surrounded by key retail shops. Nothing to spend, It is ready to go and turning a profit. All equipment is in great condition.
* Great location, close to train station
* Taking $6,000p/w
* Reasonable rent
* 10 years long lease
* Selling price $79,000
* 40+ seating capacity
* With full liquor license
* Same owner for 8 years
* Very stable business
* Open 6 nights only
* Very short trading hours
* Very potential to grow further
* Easy to operate
For more information on property #------- , please call or email:
Moon Kim on ---- --- ---
or email: [email protected]
New Century Business Broker
26 Rutland Road, Box Hill VIC 3128
Tel: 03 ---- ----
****Sales Rep required**** For further information please contact us at office: kim@ncre.