A brilliant opportunity to acquire 3 car wash shops in Frankston. All three car wash have loyal customer base with a high traffic exposure. All staffs are well trained. We sell them in bundle .
* With large premises
* Taking $11,800p/w --(1)
$11,600p/w -- (2)
$16,800p/w -- (3)
* Reasonable rent and long lease
* Selling price $2,000,000 for three shops
* All three Car Wash shop with fully under management
* Easy to run
* Very high profit
For more information on property #------- , please call or email:
Phillip Wang on ---- --- ---
or email: [email protected]
New Century Business Broker
26 Rutland Road, Box Hill VIC 3128
Tel: 03 ---- ----
****Sales Rep required**** For further information please contact us at office: [email protected]